Northern Health accredited as a CPA Recognised Employer Partner
On Thursday, 23 May 2024, the Australian Chapter of the Certified Practising Accountants (CPA) visited Northern Health to provide a certificate in recognition of our Recognised Employer Partner accreditation.
The certificate was formally presented to Rick Garotti, Northern Health’s Deputy Chief Financial Officer and Financial Controller, and is now proudly displayed in the office of Basil Ireland, Northern Health’s Chief Financial Officer.
The Recognised Employer Partner accreditation is widely esteemed and highly valued by the CPA. Northern Health is one of only 400 global employers and one of the few healthcare services in Australia to be formally accredited with this status.
The accreditation recognises the breadth and depth of professional development (PD) reward and recognition programs offered by Northern Health to all staff, including those in finance roles. This accreditation brings several benefits to employees, such as an exemption from mandatory CPA PD requirements.
“The CPA Recognised Employer Partner accreditation provides a very strong signal to the market of Northern Health’s commitment to the professional growth and development of our staff and assists us in retaining and attracting quality team members across our finance, revenue, payroll and business support teams,” Mr Ireland said.
“Northern Health has 20 professional accountants, working across a variety of teams, and doing great work to support the organisation. We are particularly proud of three of our team members who are currently being supported to complete their CPA while working at Northern Health. The CPA Recognised Employer Partner accreditation will greatly assist them on this journey,” said Mr Garotti.
Naach Ulagappan, Corporate Business Analyst, one the three team members currently completing her CPA journey, says she is deeply thankful for the support she is receiving from Northern Health.
“The resources provided such as study leave, guidance and flexible working hours were instrumental in my success. Special thanks to my mentor, Karen Barnett, for her guidance, wisdom and encouragement. Her insights and belief in my abilities have been invaluable. To our Directors, Rick Garotti and Jimmy Jacob, thank you for fostering a culture of learning and development, and for creating an environment where aspiring professionals can thrive. My CPA journey has been rewarding – thank you for the collective and continuous support,” said Ms Ulagappan.
Adi Jamwal, CPA Australia, said, “As the financial year comes to a close, it’s inspiring to see organisations doubling down on their commitment to employee growth and success. Northern Health’s dedication to continuous training and development for their employees is truly commendable.”
“We are honoured to part with such a forward-thinking team and look forward to witnessing their ongoing success!” he added.

Pictured in featured image (L-R): Helen Zhu, CPA Australia, Adi Jamwal, CPA Australia and Rick Garotti, Northern Health.