July 24, 2024

Powering up – Small Change, Big Impact

Earlier this week, Northern Health launched a new initiative called ‘Small Change, Big Impact’.

The program encourages staff working in all facets of the organisation to implement small, cost saving actions in their areas and then share them through Ideascale. Ideas will be highlighted and celebrated through various forums, like The Window and the weekly Staff Update email, so that other areas can utilise them, and we can all benefit.

The initial idea for the program came from Deanne Rowland, Nurse Unit Manager Unit 1, Broadmeadows Hospital, who has been challenging her staff to save $20 per person per shift.

“Many staff are unaware of the costs of the products we use, so we’ve put cost per unit on some of our more frequently used items in our supply room,” Ms. Rowland explained.

“It’s a visible reminder of the cost. So, when staff go into an isolation room, for example, they only take in what’s needed at the time, rather than throwing out excess when the patient goes home.”

Using no-nonsense, ‘Nurse Math,’ if you have an average of five staff per shift x three shifts per day =15 shifts x $20 = $300/day x 30 units = $9000.00 per day x 365 = $3.2 million over the year!

The beauty of all of this, is that so many wards and areas are already employing these kinds of measures. Through Small Change, Big Impact, these ideas can now be highlighted organisation wide, compounding the marvellous work being done. The ultimate powerup!

Debra Bourne, Chief Operating Officer, added “This is not only about saving costs, what’s good for Northern is also good for the environment, and has many flow-on affects that are positive and sustainable.”

Click here to share your ideas and collaborate with your peers now, and see your small change be part of a big impact.