Get to know: Sharon Caruso
Meet Sharon Caruso, Doctor Liaison Officer and Cashier Revenue Services.
Q: Firstly, what’s your coffee order?
A: Skinny latte, us Melburnians love coffee don’t we! One of my favourite things to do is visit our Melbourne city laneways and have a latte!
Q: What do you like most about your role?
A: My team. We are a united, close-knit team. We all multitask and cross train within each other’s roles, and of course, we make sure we have a little bit of fun along the way.
Q: What are some things people don’t know about you?
A: Prior to working at Northern Health, one of my ventures was making wedding cakes. Who knows how many hours of work I put into each one! I really enjoyed delivering them around Melbourne and country Victoria wineries and photographing the finished products. I love how a lot of people are getting creative and making their own cakes these days.
Q: What do you like to do after work?
A: I’m a die-hard Richmond supporter (perhaps I should put that last) and usually attend every game. I love connecting with new people wherever I find myself, and I spend a lot of time with my favourite child who is an English Staffordshire named Archie. He’s king of the castle and absolutely knows it too!
Q: Which Northern Health value do you relate to best?
A: I love them all but ‘Kind’ and ‘Together’ stand out to me the most. Northern Health is naturally a caring community, and our work collaboratively brings everything and everyone together. I’m going onto my 14th year here at Northern Health, and I decided to join our workplace giving program.
I have seen the work of our Foundation does around the place over the years, and it feels good to be a part of it, working together to make Northern Health a better place for the community we serve. I encourage you to join if you haven’t already done so.