Northern Health launches Asthma Digital Care Pathway
Northern Health’s Asthma Clinic has officially launched a co-designed Asthma Digital Care Pathway via the My Health @ Northern app, offering essential support for patients living with uncontrolled or severe asthma. The codesign process involved bringing together a group with people with lived experience of severe asthma and a multidisciplinary team of asthma clinicians.
This collaborative approach fostered valuable connections and ensured that patients’ voices were heard throughout the process. Pam, a consumer and member of the co-design working group, shared her experience: “People formed a bond quickly and were respected when they had their say. We could see the progress, from the first meeting and then the second meeting, you had some things in place, we could see that it was being formed and that we had a say on it all”
The Respiratory Medicine Unit received a grant from AstraZeneca to design, develop and implement a severe asthma digital care pathway. This project was a collaboration between the Respiratory Unit and the Clinical Leadership, Effectiveness, and Outcomes (CLEO) team, as part of a broader strategy to roll out Digital Care Pathways at Northern Health.
“It is great to watch the Digital Care Pathways progressively being rolled out. This has been a long journey from before COVID-19 to be able to provide innovative solutions to our patients. The team, Clinical Leadership, Effectiveness and Outcomes (CLEO) who are providing the virtual programs are doing a fantastic job. In particular the asthma pathway will greatly benefit our patients not only in self-management but improving their quality of life” said Anthony Gust, Executive Director, Digital Health.
The app provides the opportunity for people with asthma to track their asthma symptoms and control, screen for comorbidities, and access trusted health education and self-management advice. Communication between patients and the care team is now improved through features including in app messaging and video calls.
Sharon Rukavina, Respiratory Clinical Nurse Consultant has been on secondment to the CLEO team as project manager for this project.
“I regularly observe the profound impact that uncontrolled and severe asthma symptoms have on our patient’s quality of life and contribute to increased anxiety often resulting in significant feelings of isolation. Patients can view their asthma care plans directly on their phones, supporting better self-management and allowing for easy sharing with healthcare providers,” said Ms Rukavina.
“This transformational program helps us connect with our purpose as clinicians which is to deliver and improve the health outcomes that matter most to our patients and community. We can’t wait to expand to other conditions and specialties,” said Dr Katharine See, Chief Health Outcomes Officer and Director of Respiratory Medicine.