Scrubbing in for a sustainable future: Theatre Green Team
“The best way to predict the future is to create it” – Peter Drucker.
“Theatre Green” team at Northern Health was established 18 months ago, with the primary goal of enhancing recycling initiatives across the organisation. The team has adopted a collaborative approach, bringing together representatives from nursing, surgical, and anaesthetic departments across all perioperative areas, including operating theatres and Central Sterile Supply Department (CSSD) at Northern Hospital Epping, Broadmeadows Hospital and Kilmore District Hospital.
This collaboration extends beyond the immediate team, as the “Theatre Green” team has also partnered with the Support Services team and the City of Whittlesea. These partnerships have been instrumental in driving new initiatives and have enabled Northern Health staff to attend this year’s Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) Health and Environment Sustainability Conference, with sponsorship from the City of Whittlesea.
Tracey Wiley, Director of Operations, Perioperative and Surgical Services at Northern Health, says the main objective of the team is to reduce the amount of waste going to landfill, increase the volume of materials that are reused, repaired, repurposed and recycled, and enhance circular economy activities. This in turn helps stimulate local employment and economic development.
“We believe environmental sustainability is crucial and we take great pride in the progress we’ve made so far. We’re eager to continue building on our successes and exploring new opportunities. Some of our current projects include the recycling of plastic, aluminium, PVC, Kimguard, batteries, and medication vial caps.”
“Theatre Green” team is also involved in supporting the OTIS Foundation, which provides employment for people living with disabilities, through the recycling and repurposing of single use “Little Blue Towels.” The proceeds from this initiative help fund retreat accommodation for women with breast cancer.
Natasha Josevski, Nurse Unit Manager at Broadmeadows Surgical Centre and Chair of the “Theatre Green” team, spoke about their latest project which focuses on reducing, and ultimately eliminating, the use of single use cups within our departments.
“We are working closely with our support services to ensure we have adequate reusable mugs available for patients, and we strongly encourage staff to bring their favourite mugs to use instead of paper cups.”
Looking ahead, the team is planning to trial and transition to reusable patient tourniquets, hover mats, calf compressors, surgical gowns, and blueys (absorbent bed underpads).
“Theatre Green” team meets monthly, providing members with an inclusive and supportive forum to share knowledge and ideas. The team also maintains notice boards in all departments and publishes a bi-monthly newsletter, both of which are regularly updated by enthusiastic staff members.
“These forums allow us to keep everyone informed about current projects, recent outcomes and future initiatives,” added Ms. Josevski.
“We are committed to continuing our positive work and outcomes, and we invite anyone who is interested in making a difference to join us on this journey.”
For more information and if you’d like to join the Northern Health Theatre Green Team, please email: NH-TheatreGreenTeam@nh.org.au.
Pictured in featured image: “Theatre Green” team at the ANMF Health and Environment Sustainability Conference, with representatives from the City of Whittlesea as sponsors.