October 11, 2024

Get to know: Dr Jason Talevski


Meet Dr Jason Talevski, Senior Research Fellow at the Victorian Virtual Emergency Department (VVED).

Q: Firstly, what is your coffee order?

A: Skinny flat white (extra hot).

Q: Tell us about your role and journey at Northern Health? 

A: I began working at Northern Health in June 2023 as the Senior Research Fellow for the Victorian Virtual Emergency Department (VVED). My role is to oversee the research undertaken by the VVED that aims to determine the quality, safety, and efficacy of this novel and innovative virtual model of care.

Q: You were recently the recipient of the Northern Health Foundation Grant. Tell us a bit more about that?

A: Yes, I was very surprised with this but very happy to receive the grant! My research focus is in telehealth and virtual care now working in the VVED. However, before beginning my role here at Northern Health, my area of research interest was healthy ageing, particularly osteoporosis and fracture prevention and management. My proposed project aims to develop a Fragility Fracture Diversion Pathway, to improve ED referral pathways for follow-up fracture care in older adults. This pathway will hopefully enhance communication between patients and their health care providers by improving post-fracture referral pathways to GPs for follow up. I hypothesise this will increase rates of osteoporosis diagnosis testing and uptake of fracture prevention treatment.

Q: What are your fondest childhood memories?

A: Every year we would go on a big family trip to a regional town and stay at a fun family resort during the summer school holidays (alternating between Echuca, Yarrawonga and Cobram). We loved these trips because it was nice to get away and just swim, play tennis and have BBQs, every night for a week. Now that my older brother and sister both have kids, we have recently started this tradition again!

Q: Favourite place to travel to and why?

A: Japan – The food, the culture, the nightlife, the sights, and did I mention THE FOOD! I have been there three times and am hopefully planning another trip there next year.

Q: Sweet or savoury?

A: Porque No los Dos?

Pictured in featured image: Dr Jason Talevski in Tokyo, Japan.