Get to know: Cliff Wiltshire
Meet Cliff Wiltshire, Digital Training Manager, Northern Health.
Q: Firstly, what is your coffee order?
A: Large soy cappuccino, extra hot.
Q: Tell us about your role at Northern Health?
A: As the Digital Health Training Manager, my role is to coordinate the delivery of training, clinical applications and devices to Northern Health staff across all campuses. Our main focus is on training staff on the use of the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) as part of business-as-usual, which we will continue to support in 2025, as we introduce Kilmore District Health to the application. My team has recently taken on the delivery of training for the Clinical Leadership, Effectiveness and Outcomes (CLEO) team, as they implement Digital Clinical Pathways.
Q: If you weren’t in your current role, what would you have been instead?
A: Growing up in country Western Australia, l became fascinated with the legal based drama series LA Law, and the idea of going to work in a business suit and becoming a partner in a large law firm. So, during my high school years, I focused all my energy on becoming a lawyer. In my final year, just as I was submitting my university request, my Human Biology teacher, who was previously a registered nurse, suggested that I would do better at becoming a nurse. At that very moment, I changed all my preferences and have never looked back.
Q: Tell us something not many people know about you?
A: I’m a self-confessed hoarder of indoor plants (192 and I want more!).
Q: What is your favourite movie and why?
A: Star Wars would have to be my favourite movie. It was my first introduction into the Star Wars- Return of the Jedi as a young primary school student, and it was my first school excursion to the cinemas.
Q: What is on your bucket list for 2025?
A: Here it is:
- Buy the following rare indoor plants (there are more, but I’m being realistic): Monstera Deliciosa ‘Albo Variegata, Philodendron Gloriosum, Monstera Adansonii Variegata Archipelago
- Increase my Orchid collection
- Spend more time with my fur baby Hugo (Kelpie)
- Complete my succulent garden project
- Take a holiday overseas to anywhere